Monday, December 30, 2019

Clay Tokens Neolithic Seeds of Mesopotamian Writing

Writing in Mesopotamia—if you define writing as recording information in a symbolic manner—took an important step forward with the domestication of plants and animals and the development of trade networks during the Neolithic period of at least as long ago as 7500 BCE. Beginning then, people recorded information about their agricultural goods—including domestic animals and plants—in the form of small clay tokens. Scholars believe that  the written form of language that is used to pass this information along today evolved out of this simple accounting technique. Mesopotamian clay tokens were not the first accounting method developed by humans. By 20,000 years ago, Upper Paleolithic people were leaving tally marks on cave walls and cutting hash marks onto portable sticks. Clay tokens, however, contained additional information including what commodity was being counted, an important step forward in communication storage and retrieval. Neolithic Clay Tokens Neolithic clay tokens were made very simply. A small piece of clay was worked into one of about a dozen different shapes, and then perhaps incised with lines or dots or embellished with pellets of clay. These were then sun-dried or baked in a hearth. The tokens ranged in size from 1–3 centimeters (about 1/3 to one inch), and about 8,000 of them dated between 7500–3000 BCE have been found so far. The earliest shapes were simple cones, spheres, cylinders, ovoids, disks, and tetrahedrons (pyramids). The premier researcher of clay tokens Denise Schmandt-Besserat argues that these shapes are representations of cups, baskets, and granaries. The cones, spheres and flat disks, she said, represented small, medium and large measures of grain; ovoids were jars of oil; cylinders a sheep or goat; pyramids a person-day of work. She based her interpretations on similarities of the forms to shapes used in the later Mesopotamian written  proto-cuneiform language and, while that theory has yet to be confirmed, she may very well be right. What Were Tokens For? Scholars believe that clay tokens were used to express numerical quantities of goods. They occur in two sizes (larger and smaller), a difference that may have been used as a means of counting and manipulating quantities. The Mesopotamians, who had a base 60 numbering system, also bundled their numerical notations, so that a group of three, six, or ten signs equated to one sign of a different size or shape. Possible uses for the tokens are associated with accounting and include trade negotiations between parties, tax collection or assessments by state agencies, inventories, and allotments or disbursements as payment for services rendered. Tokens were not tied to a particular language. No matter what language you spoke, if both parties understood that a cone meant a measure of grain, the transaction could take place. Whatever they were used for, the same dozen or so token shapes were used for some 4,000 years throughout the Near East. The Sumerian Take Off: Uruk Period Mesopotamia During the Uruk period in Mesopotamia [4000–3000 BC], urban cities blossomed and administrative needs for accounting expanded. Production of what Andrew Sherratt and VG Childe called secondary products—wool, clothing, metals, honey, bread, oil, beer, textiles, garments, rope, mats, carpets, furniture, jewelry, tools, perfume—all of these things and many more needed to be accounted for, and the number of types of tokens in use ballooned to 250 by 3300 BCE. In addition, during the Late Uruk period [3500–3100 BCE], tokens began to be kept in sealed globular clay envelopes called bullae. Bullae  are hollow clay balls about 5–9 cm (2–4 in) in diameter: the tokens were placed inside the envelope and the opening pinched shut. The exterior of the ball was stamped, sometimes all over the surface, and then the bullae  were fired. About 150 of these clay envelopes have been recovered from Mesopotamian sites. Scholars believe that the envelopes were meant for security purposes, that the information was kept inside, protected from being changed at some point along the way. Eventually, people would impress the token forms into the clay on the outside, to mark what was inside. Apparently, by about 3100 BCE, bulla e  were replaced by puffy tablets covered with the impressions of the tokens and there, says Schmandt-Besserat, you have the beginning of real writing, a three-dimensional object represented in two dimensions: proto-cuneiform. Persistence of Clay Token Use Although Schmandt-Besserat argued that with the dawn of written forms of communication, tokens stopped being used, MacGinnis et al. have noted that, although they did decrease, tokens continued in use well into the first millennium BC. Ziyaret Tepe is a tell in southeastern Turkey, first occupied during the Uruk period; the Late Assyrian period levels are dated between 882–611 BCE. A total of 462 baked clay tokens have been recovered from those levels to date, in eight basic shapes: spheres, triangles, disks, pyramids, cylinders, cones, oxhides (squares with indented sides in the shape of a tanned animal hide), and squares. Ziyaret Tepe is only one of several later Mesopotamian sites where tokens were used, although tokens do seem to drop completely out of use before the Neo-Babylonian period about 625 BCE. Why did the use of tokens persist some 2,200 years after the invention of writing? MacGinnis and colleagues suggest that it was a simplified, para-literate system of recording that allowed more flexibility than the use of tablets alone. History of the Research Near Eastern Neolithic clay tokens were recognized and studied first in the 1960s by Pierre Amiet and Maurice Lambert; but the major investigator of clay tokens is Denise Schmandt-Besserat, who in the 1970s began studying the curated corpus of tokens dated between the 8th and 4th millennium BCE. Sources Algaze, Guillermo. The End of Prehistory and the Uruk Period. The Sumerian World. Ed. Crawford, Harriet. London: Routledge, 2013. 68–94. Print.Emberling, Geoff, and Leah Minc. Ceramics and Long-Distance Trade in Early Mesopotamian States. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 7 (2016): 819–34. Print.MacGinnis, John, et al. Artefacts of Cognition: The Use of Clay Tokens in a Neo-Assyrian Provincial Administration. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 24.02 (2014): 289–306. Print.Overmann, Karenleigh A. The Role of Materiality in Numerical Cognition. Quaternary International 405 (2016): 42–51. Print.Roberts, Patrick. ‘We Have Never Been Behaviourally Modern’: The Implications of Material Engagement Theory and Metaplasticity for Understanding the Late Pleistocene Record of Human Behaviour. Quaternary International 405 (2016): 8–20. Print.Schmandt-Besserat, Denise. Decipherment of the Earliest Tablets. Science 211 (1983): 283–85. Pr int.---. The Earliest Precursors of Writing. Scientific American 238.6 (1978): 50–59. Print.---. Tokens as Precursors of Writing. Writing: A Mosaic of New Perspectives. Eds. Grigorenko, Elena L., Elisa Mambrino and David D. Preiss. New York: Psychology Press, Taylor Francis, 2012. 3–10. Print.Woods, Christopher. The Earliest Mesopotamian Writing. Visible Language: Inventions of Writing in the Ancient Middle East and Beyond. Eds. Woods, Christopher, Geoff Emberling and Emily Teeter. Oriental Institute Museum Publications. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2010. 28–98. Print.Woods, Christopher.  Geoff Emberling, and Emily Teeter. Visible Language: Inventions of Writing in the Ancient Middle East and Beyond. Oriental Institute Museum Publications. Eds. Schramer, Leslie and Thomas G. Urban. Vol. 32. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2010. Print.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Spoken Language Between Two Culturally Dissimilar...

Hola. Bonjour. Ciao. Namaste. Hallo. Hello. The spoken language between two culturally dissimilar individuals has the capability to serve as a barricade for communication. If the primitive practice of connection between two people is incomprehensible and ineffective, how can a man from the United States and a woman from Germany understand one another? How can freshman Charlie relate to seniors Sam and Patrick? How can a cheeky, uppity lady from Amish-country sit in a car with an Italian from Dirty Jersey, like me, for three and a half hours? How can a character in a frequently challenged, young adult novel be so comparable to me? Individuals seek cultural identity through music in the era of independence and self-defining nature in a button-down, conformist society. Cultural identity is the â€Å"part of a person’s self-conception and self-perception and is related to social class, generations, or any kind of social group† ( Our musical tastes and preferences can form important statements regarding our own values and attitudes. How we are perceived in society are reflected in the clothes we wear, the slang we speak, and the music blasting in our ears. It is our badge of honor and commitment to the subcultures created under the artists we identify with. By close association with a certain band or song, Charlie and I embroider our distinctiveness on our badges. Although they differ by the artists or songs’ influences, the language of music isShow MoreRelatedChinese Food As A Multicultural Country852 Words   |  4 Pagestraditional since they mainly chose their ethnic food from which they can be easily distinguish. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

U.S. Economy in the 19th Century Free Essays

Peter Hart History 1:00-1:50 U. S. Economy in the 19th Century The Industrial Revolution first took place in Britain where it spread like wild fire. We will write a custom essay sample on U.S. Economy in the 19th Century or any similar topic only for you Order Now Eventually it made its way to America in the late 1800’s to the 19th century where it would eventually change America in every aspect. The American Revolution began because of a single British man named Samuel Slater who brought over manufacturing technologies. The creation of the cotton gin by Slater would soon be the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution brought many new ideas and inventions that made the economy boom. The North would be the first to start the Industrial Revolution while the South stayed true to their old ways; agriculture. The effects of the Industrial Revolution put a strain on both the South and the North. On top of all of this, many changes were being made in this time period such as transportation, manufacturing, and communications. All of these changes transformed the daily lives of Americans as much as it did as any other historical event that has happened in history. Because of this major event, many effects were being taken place; Unions, working conditions and labor itself were accounted for the changes in the 19th century. The North started out as a commercial industry where trading and selling was a big part of American life. Before the Industrial Revolution hit America, people made all of their goods/products in their homes. Factories weren’t that prominent in the North until the Industrial Revolution came by. Technological advancements were nowhere to be found because they were used to making everything at home by hand. The South was farther behind in innovations than the North itself. They were strictly agricultural and farming. In due time though, a man named Samuel Slater brought over new manufacturing technologies from Britain to the United States where it would start the Industrial Revolution. From there, many more inventions were created such as the steamboat by Robert Fulton which marked the beginning in technological innovations. This invention would make transportation of goods and services quicker and more effectively. Another invention during this time period was the telegraph. The telegraph was reated by Samuel Morse. This invention was created in 1837 which allowed America to send messages to international countries all around the world. The new inventions being created in America would lead America in a direction of prosperity and a dominant force in production and at the same time agricultural ways. America would eventually emerge as the center of industry and agricultural in the late 19th century. As an effect of the Industrial revolution, population tripled, farming doubled in the amount of work due to technological inventions such as the steel plow by John Deere. This invention allowed farmers to plow fields faster and plow more fields without having to change the iron plow every time they uproot the ground. Due to this invention, more workers were needed to harvest the crops when the time came. Fortunately, a certain invention was made that helped the harvesting process go quicker and more efficiently. This invention was known as the reaper which was made in 1831 by Cyrus McCormick. Certain inventions helped working production go a lot faster than it was before the Industrial Revolution started. The U. S. Patent Office had a record of 276 inventions during the 1790’s, during the 1890’s a record of 235,000 inventions were registered. At first, the South was resistant against this new generation of inventions and industrialized cities. Ultimately, the South would fall under the new ways of the North. From 1880 to 1900, the amount of cotton mills increased dramatically; 161 to 400 in less than decade. As the need for workers rose, so did the amount of cotton. The amount of cotton increased by eightfold while the amount of workers increased by fivefold. All of these increases resulted in the creations of new inventions. As production increased, so did the need for labor. But as labor increased, so did changes in working conditions, labor itself, and Unions were created on behalf of all of the workers. Even though all of these inventions prospered America, working conditions in the factories that were producing goods such as steel, cotton fabric, and other goods were bad and harmful for the workers. The life of a 19th-century American industrial worker was far from easy. Even in decent times, wages were low, hours were long, and working conditions hazardous. Little of the wealth which the growth of the nation had produced went to its workers. The situation was worse for women and children, who made up a high percentage of the work force in some industries and often received but a fraction of the wages a man could earn. Periodic economic crises swept the nation, further eroding industrial wages and producing high levels of unemployment. At the same time, the technological improvements, which added so much to the nation’s productivity, continually reduced the demand for skilled labor. Yet the unskilled labor pool was constantly growing, as record numbers of immigrants, 18 million between 1880 and 1910, entered the country, looking for work. Before 1874, when Massachusetts passed the nation’s first legislation limiting the number of hours women and children factory workers could perform to 10 hours a day, there was literally no labor legislation that existed in the country. It was not until the 1930s that the federal government would become actively involved. Until then, it was left to the state and local authorities, few of whom were as responsive to the workers as they were to wealthy industrialists. The laissez-faire capitalism, which dominated the second half of the 19th century and fostered huge concentrations of wealth and power, was backed by a judiciary which time and again ruled against those who challenged the system. For millions, living and working conditions were poor, and the hope of escaping from a lifetime of poverty was slight to none. As late as 1900, the United States had the highest job-related death rate of any industrialized nation in the world. Most industrial workers still worked a 10-hour day (12 hours in the steel industry), yet earned from 20 to 40 percent less than the minimum deemed necessary for a decent life. The situation was only worse for children, whose numbers in the work force doubled between 1870 and 1900. On top of working in harsh conditions, workers had to face low wages and long hours that consisted of a 60 hour week load. These conditions were outrageous and then eventually led to the forming of unions. The first major effort to organize workers’ groups on a nationwide basis appeared with The Noble Order of the Knights of Labor in 1869. Originally a secret, ritualistic society organized by Philadelphia garment workers, it was open to all workers, including blacks, women and farmers. The Knights grew slowly until they succeeded in facing down the great railroad baron, Jay Gould, in an 1885 strike. Within a year they added 500,000 workers to their rolls. The Knights of Labor soon fell into decline, and their place in the labor movement was steadily taken by the American Federation of Labor (AFL). Rather than open its membership to all, the AFL, under former cigar union official Samuel Gompers, focused on skilled workers. His objectives were straight-forward and simple: increase wages, reduce hours and improve working conditions. Per se, Gompers helped turn the labor movement away from the socialist views earlier labor leaders had supported. Due to the capital not granting their goals, riots started to break out. A certain riot known as the Great Rail Strike of 1877 was taken place because of 10 percent cut in wages. This started a line of riots that spurted throughout the country. Finally, after many riots and negotiating with the bosses at the factories, conditions in factories were better and hours were decreased and wages were increased. Child labor laws were forced upon everyone, while women were given the chance to have equal opportunities and equal wages as men. All of these effects of the Industrial Revolution played a vital role in forming what is now known as America today. The Industrial Revolution led America in a way that forever changed it. It was one of the most historic events to ever happen in American history. Due to new inventions and ideas, America was led into an Industrial Revolution. With the Industrial Revolution came more jobs and Unions to protect the people in the factories from harsh working conditions, long hours, and small wages. . How to cite U.S. Economy in the 19th Century, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Motivation and Division One Basketball Essay Example For Students

Motivation and Division One Basketball Essay I have made many changes in my life through the years. One of these changes came when I was a freshman in high school. I grew up playing basketball since I was in the first grade, but I had never really taking the game seriously. I decided that I wanted to be the best basketball player that I possible could become. When I was in the ninth grade, I had friends who were getting division one scholarships to play basketball. I thought that being able to go to college for free and play basketball for the school sounded amazing. I asked my dad if he would help me become the best basketball player that I could possible become to try and earn a scholarship. He was an Olympic Ski Jumper so he knew what it would take and he said that he would gladly help me. I began doing basketball workouts everyday and lifting weights a couple times a week. I started having trouble finding time to balance all my schoolwork and basketball workouts. I then started waking up at 5 a. m. everyday to go to the YMCA to get my workouts in. This helped me learn how to discipline myself and work hard. Through all this hard worked I earned many things. I ended up my high school career as Minnesota’s all time leading scorer. I was able to travel the country playing in different tournaments. I was able to earn multiple division one scholarships through this change that I made. There are many things that motivated me to make this change in my life. One of the main reasons I made this change was because I wanted to be able to go to college for free. I knew many people that come out of college thousands of dollars in debt and I did not want to come out of college like that. Another reason was that I wanted to play college basketball. Sports have become such a huge part of our society today, and I wanted to experience this at the highest level that I possible could. One final reason was I wanted to make my family proud. I knew my family would always be proud of me, but I still wanted to show them what I could do if I put my mind to it. I stay motivated to be the best basketball player that I can for many reasons. First, I believe that I was blessed with these abilities, and I want to use all the abilities that I was blessed with to bring honor and glory to God. I have an obligation to my teammates and coaches to keep working and improving to help the team. Being part of a division one team, there are many people that look up to you. There are many kids who see us and want to be just like us. I want to be a good example for them. I am still motivated by all these reasons today. I am still in college so I need to keep improving as a basketball player to keep my scholarship. If I do not perform well enough I could have my scholarship taken away from me. My family tries to come to as many games as they can of mine, and I always love when they do. I can see how proud my parents are when they see me on the court and I love to see them like this. I want to continue to make them proud and show them though this how much I love them. Also, all the little kids who come to our games and ask for autographs and pictures still look up to all of us on the team. I want to be an example for them both on and off the court. And finally, I want to show my Lord and Savior how much I love Him by using the abilities that He has blessed me with to the best of my abilities. .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf , .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf .postImageUrl , .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf , .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf:hover , .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf:visited , .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf:active { border:0!important; } .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf:active , .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf7c9a9cc6ccbe00bc33a223eb48c6ecf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Usmoke EssayIt would be disrespectful to Him if I wasted the abilities He has given me, and that is the last person I would want to disrespect. I made a change in my life when I was a freshman in high school. This change was to become the best basketball player that I could be. I stay motivated to keep this change up by trying to be the best person that I can be both on and off the court. I have been blessed to have the opportunity to play division one basketball and I want to make the most of this opportunity.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Smoking Essays - Smoking, Health Effects Of Tobacco, Cigarette

Smoking Free Swiss Anti-Wrinkle Cream. You Won't Believe Your Eyes! Smoking I feel that there should be laws against smoking. Right now there are laws against buying them. You have to be 21 to buy cigarette. But my question is if you have to 21 why do people under 21 have possession of cigarette? We all already know that smoking is bad for you. On the news all the time they have something about smoking and why it is so bad for you. Even on the cigarette box there is a surgeon general message. This message is a note saying that Cigarette are hazardous to your health. But still millions of people still are smoking. I see it like this... If they put a label on a cigarette box saying "These will eventually kill you" people will still smoke it. We all know the dangers of smoking, why not put a law out to make it illegal? I think the reason people are not comprehending that smoking is so bad for you, is because they are already addicted and they dont care what it does to them. But if a law made it illegal to sell. Then many people would not have access to cigarettes. So they could not smoke and millions of lives would be saved each year. Smoking produces lung cancer that eventually kills you. Your lungs turn black and you can barely breath. Well to me the sound of that makes me sick, and just saying that makes me not want to smoke. I feel if the government wants to save lives. They should pass a law banning smoking very very soon. But our government is to worried about little side effects and problems, such as riots, and people going crazy. That they wont pass the law.

Monday, November 25, 2019


Kuhn has makes some interesting claims about how the history of science and its progress be viewed that go against the traditional cumulative view of knowledge in which knowledge is simply added to our pool of understanding and the view that different theories can be compared rationally. Kuhns claims are largely against what Carnap believes to be true about how science progresses. Carnap holds the traditional view that knowledge is cumulative and there is a rational method in which theory selection can occur. Although Kuhns claims are unconventional, he manages to give them strength by good examples and logical thinking. Kuhns main claim is that there is no methodology in choosing any particular paradigm. Kuhn views science as being in one of two phases: normal science or scientific revolution. While most of the time is spent in normal science where knowledge is cumulative, his main claim applies during scientific revolution. During normal science scientists, to provide explanations for current phenomenon, use a paradigm to guide their research. The paradigm governs the way the scientists think about their research; thus affecting their methods, interpretations, and other theories used as a reference for their research. As long as the paradigm continues to help scientists explain phenomena, it is kept. Once an event occurs that is unexplainable by the paradigm scientists choose to either ignore it, do more research to try and explain it with the current paradigm, or develop a new paradigm that can explain the anomaly. If the anomaly is significant, it will continue to appear if it i! s ignored so eventually it must be dealt with. If the paradigm continues to fail to explain the phenomenon then the only option left is to develop a new paradigm that can explain the anomaly. This new paradigm must take in a different set of theories, values, or methods to be...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

GetWrite Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

GetWrite - Coursework Example This is the location where crime and illegal immigration are most likely to intertwine. Accordingly, this is where the study would ideally be centered. In any experiment, it is desirable to partake in some form of random (probability) sampling. In this case, every member of the target population would have an equal chance at being a participant in the study. In order for this study to be truly random, then all persons living along a dangerous border crossing area would have the chance to be in the experiment. Unfortunately, this is not possible due to many restraints (time, money, etc.) and so we are forced to settle for a form of non-probability sampling. Specifically, we will be using convenience sampling, which means we will study the people who are easiest to study along the border area. This is necessary due to the potential hostility in the area, as well as travel restraints. This is certainly a limitation of the experiment, as it makes it much harder to apply the results to the entirety of the target population. It should be noted that the expected link between illegal immigration and crime might not be a simple direct relationship. One recent study identifies the overbearing crackdown on illegal immigration as a cause of more crime by making criminals stay in the areas longer (Hammond,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Subjects Unto the Same King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Subjects Unto the Same King - Essay Example It will also define the reasons behind the success of the faction. The paper will conclusively confirm if the chosen group’s story is parallel to that of other people in the English Atlantic Empire. Massachusetts Bay Colony had a staunch position on authority. Its colonists championed the fact that the colony's charter entrusted them with the final authority in New England and that even the King’s appeal cannot deny them that privilege. This fostered a lot of conflict between them and the Indians while other neighboring colonies used this conflict to preserve or enhance their own power. Massachusetts enjoyed the support of three English colonies and the opposition of three other colonies. After the settling in the Massachusetts Bay, the colonizers demanded that the Indians recognize their superiority. This led to a struggle for authority that the Massachusetts won. Their success relied on many factors. First, there were divisions among the Indians in responding to the M assachusetts leaders’ demand. Some agreed, others sought power in other colonies and those who resisted were very few (Pulsipher 3). The lack of a common stand led to their defeat. The population of Massachusetts was incomparably larger than that of other colonies and specifically than that of Indians. ... The magistrates supported the Massachusetts and in one of such cases, the General court condemned the Indians for raising a complaint against the Massachusetts who had attacked them (Pulsipher 288). This favoritism led to the success of the Massachusetts. The lack of fighting tools such as guns and gunpowder also led to the defeat of the Indians. The English refused to give or even sell them this merchandise to the advantage of the Massachusetts (Pulsipher 325). The Indian soldiers were lowly paid and thus their morale was low in fighting with the well-equipped and paid Massachusetts. They actually dared to quit the struggle because of this dissatisfaction (Pulsipher 329). Additionally, Massachusetts got some external assistance from the French though this fact was highly disputed by the English and the French as recorded in the Francis Card declaration (Pulsipher 324). This support only strengthened the already strong side and thus catalyzing their success. Another factor that led t o the failure of the Indians was the lack of unity among the Indians and selling of Indians to slavery and defections of Indian commanders (Pulsipher 321). This weakened the Indian resistance and the hence the success of the Massachusetts. The double stands applied by the English in condemning Indian attacks and commending Massachusetts attack on slumbering Indians at Turner’s fall catapulted the Massachusetts struggle for maintaining authority (Pulsipher 318).The Indians experienced a language barrier which again favored the Massachusetts. All these factors contributed to the success of the Massachusetts in asserting authority over the Indians. However, even as the colonists won they paid heavily for the damage

Monday, November 18, 2019

Risk management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Risk management - Essay Example This created a bubble in the housing finance sector and mortgage properties. Investment banks and other financial institutions started to lend money to the mass of people as well as corporate houses for purchase of land or other business purposes. The land and housing properties were kept as mortgage serving as underlying securities for those loans. These loans were granted to the borrowers without looking at repayment feasibility of the loans or without carrying out adequate evaluation of the credit parameters. The credit parameters like income of the borrower, assets available to service the loan, existing liabilities, etc. were ignored by the financial institutions in the mortgage loans. This led to the inflation of the bubble in the housing sector which developed earlier. The bubble finally burst as the borrowers were unable to repay the loans and the defaulters in the mortgage loan market started to become heavy. This led to the devaluation of the mortgages which served as under lying securities. ... w of information to the market led to the erosion of investors’ confidence that reflected in the plunge of share prices of the company (Allen, 1999, p.24). Huge wealth of the investors was eroded in short time thereby causing a situation of liquidity crisis. Several companies like Lehmann Brothers, Bear Stearns, Meryl Lynch, etc. were affected due to fall in the valuation of the companies and inability to return the investment of the shareholders. The liquidity crisis created shortage of monetary supply in the economy which tightened the credit conditions in the economy. This created a global credit crisis which was fuelled by the implementation of revised regulatory standards, enforcement of strict credit parameters and revised policies of the companies to counter the global financial crisis. Role of financial engineering: derivative products were a risk management device Derivatives products are financial instruments that derive its value from the underlying assets such as s tock, interest rates, currencies, commodities, etc. Derivative products involve two parties entering into a contract for payment of a certain amount on a certain date under the agreed terms and conditions. The derivative products may be of two types, namely â€Å"lock† and â€Å"option† derivatives. The lock derivatives enforce the parties entering into the contract to fulfil the payment obligations of the derivative product as per terms and conditions. The â€Å"option’ derivative provides the right to the buyer to enter into the contract but the buyer is not obligated to enter into the contract in â€Å"option† derivatives. The derivative products are used to hedge financial risks and also to speculate financial gains in the time of adverse financial situations. The derivative products were used a

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The safety features in modern cars

The safety features in modern cars There are many different types of safety feature in cars. The different safety features all have their own thing that they do. There are nine very important safety features that are needed in cars. They are seatbelts, airbags, head injury protection, head restraints, antilock brake system, traction control, all wheel drive, electronic stability control and weight. The two safety features that will be discussed in this report will be airbags and traction control. These two safety features will be found in most or even all modern cars. Airbags is a restraint that is used to prevent the driver, of the car, does not hit the dashboard and the steering wheel, which could cause serious injuries to the neck and head. Airbags will help the driver if he/she is wearing a seatbelt. â€Å"To date statistics,† in America, â€Å"show that airbags reduce the risk of dying in a direct frontal car crash by about 30 percent.† This quote is taken from How stuff Work? How airbags work? The law of motion that is used for airbags is Momentum, unless there is an outside force acting on the object. One of the main goals of airbags is to slow down the driver and its passengers motion as slowly and as evenly as possible. There are three main parts to airbags, they are; the bag, the sensor and the inflation system. In this report I will be discussing the three parts briefly. The bag is made up of a thin piece of nylon fabric, which is folded into the steering wheel, or dashboard, or the seat, or the door. The sensor is a device that allows the bags to know when it has to inflate when there is a force on the car that has a speed of 16km/h to 24km/h. There is a mechanical switch that will be flipped if there is a sudden change in mass in the vehicle. The inflation system combines to chemicals, sodium azide and potassium nitrate, to produce nitrogen gas. The hot blast of nitrogen inflates the bag. There are many safety concerns of airbags. Airbags have to work together with seat-belts because the force at which the airbags are expelled is enough to cause serious injury if the driver and the passengers arent wearing their seatbelt. The risk zone of airbags is the first 5 to 8 cm of inflation. Airbags have been known to seriously injure or even kill children that are sitting to close to it or even thrown towards the dashboard in an emergency braking. Children should sit in the back to, so that they are protected from the force of the airbags. There are some cases, in America in particular, where drivers have deactivate there airbags in certain cases because of the amount of injuries by the over-powerful force of the airbags. The driver of the car would have to get authorisation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in America, to get an on/off switch for on or both of their airbags; authorisation was only giving if you fell into one of the four categories. These categories are: ÂÅ ¸If the driver and the passenger both have a medical condition, where the risk of the inflation of the airbags exceeds the risk without an airbag. If the driver is unable to position him-/her- self the correct distance away from the dashboard and the airbag. ÂÅ ¸ There is no rear or there is not enough room in the back of the car to put a rear-facing car seat or the driver has to monitor the childs medical condition. ÂÅ ¸ If the driver has to carry children because there is no space in the back or there is no rear seats. The deactivation of airbags will not be authorised if you have certain other problems. These problems are pacemaker, eyeglasses, angina, emphysema, asthma, mastectomy, previous back or neck injury, advanced age, osteoporosis, arthritis, and/ or pregnancy. The Newtons Law that is used for airbags is Newtons first Law. Newtons first Law states that a body will continue in its state of rest or uniform velocity unless acted on by an external resultant force. This is also known as the Law of Inertia. Inertia is that of a body which must overcome in order to produce an acceleration or deceleration. The passenger of the vehicle goes forward very rapidly because it has a uniform velocity but the body is either being held back by the seatbelt and also stopped by the airbag, so this is the resultant force, body is stopped before hitting the dashboard. Traction control system helps to improve the stability of the vehicle by controlling the amount the drive wheels can slip when you apply excess power. The output of the engine power is adjusted automatically by the system. The system, in some cases, will adjust the applied braking force on selected wheels during acceleration. Traction control is a secondary function of the anti-lock braking system. This system is becoming more common in most modern cars. Traction is the friction that the car uses to stop, get going and to stay on the road. This system is like ABS but it is in reverse. ABS prevents your wheels from freezing when you are stopping which could cause you from skidding and having an accident. Traction control does a similar thing, but instead it stops the wheels from freezing or locking up when you accelerate. The basic set-up of traction control system is that there is a mechanical linkage between the throttle and the accelerator pedal. Occasionally the mechanical linkage is replaced by an electronic drive-by-wire system. The electronic drive-by-wire system means that instead of having a direct link from the pedal, to the throttle. Instead it sends signals from an electrical connection to a sensor. The sensor then translates the information that the electronic connections give off, by the amount of pressure you put on the accelerator. Then the sensor passes on the information into a control unit and then it sees it the wheels are slipping or not. There are benefits to having traction control system installed in the car. The traction control works so effortlessly that you may never know that it is on. The benefits are that it lowers the risks of skidding and having a major accident when the vehicle is going around the corner when the road is wet. This system is very evident when you accelerate from a complete stop. If you didnt have this system, especially if you had a very powerful car, the vehicle and the tires will go in the direction in which they were not intended to go because of skidding. The system helps with regulating the amount of power that will be sent to tire, to prevent the skidding. Theses two safety features are very useful in the vehicle but both need the driver plus the passengers to wear there seatbelt. If the passengers and the driver dont wear their seatbelts they will still get seriously injured which could lead to death. The car need to be evaluated to see if the safety features are correctly put in and safe to use.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

SAD in the Winter Essay -- Journalism Journalistic Essays

SAD in the Winter Could Seasonal Affective Disorder Be Disrupting the Lives of Northeastern Students? Becky Venne, a 31-year-old Northeastern graduate student, says she doesn’t socialize much in the winter. In fact, she claims that she finds it hard to get out of bed and spends most of her day watching T.V., satisfying her cravings for carbohydrates and starchy foods. We’ve all experienced it at some point or another. The weather gets colder, the days become shorter, and no matter how much sleep you had the night before, you still feel tired. These, along with weight gain and feelings of sadness and lethargy are common during the winter months. But what happens when these feelings become debilitating, and begin affecting one’s personal life? â€Å"There is a period of time that I think most people who have SAD realize there is more to it,† said Venne. â€Å"It wasn’t until I had some quiet time that I realized this isn’t normal.† What Venne is referring to is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a mood disorder that more commonly affects people of all ages in the Northern regions of the Unites States. Although most people experience some forms of depression during the winter months, SAD is diagnosed when this change in mood becomes debilitating, causing a sever impact on the daily life of the individual. Venne says she was diagnosed with SAD about five years ago, shortly after she moved to Boston. She describes her diagnoses as a long, drawn out process, jumping from doctor to doctor, until finally she found the right psychopharmacologist. Dr. Elisa Castillo works at the Center For Counseling at Northeastern University, where she works with many students who have been diagnosed with SAD. She explained that there are... ...the answer to SAD? Castillo suggests seeking help through Counseling, such as the Center for Counseling and Student Development. â€Å"The counseling center can provide support, help diagnose SAD, help with referrals to psychiatrists that have experience in this area and follow up with students to make sure the treatment is working,† said Castillo. Castillo also says that it is important to learn how to manage winter, and can be difficult, especially if someone has moved from a warmer climate to Boston. She recommends finding ways to exercise, socialize, and learn how to have fun both indoors and out. Venne agrees that it is important to find help if a person is experiencing symptoms of SAD. â€Å"Once I was able to realize what the problem was, I was able gain some sort of control,† said Venne. â€Å"I just take one day at a time, and know that summer is on its way.†

Monday, November 11, 2019

Classroom Shortage Essay

Introduction This is an often problem of most high schools. The numbers of students become bigger while the numbers of classrooms are still the same. Due to this situation, some students at the back are having some difficulties, they cannot concentrate to the discussion on that the teacher had prepared because they barely hear the lessons. The teachers also are having a tough time in balance provision of all students so that some of the students could not relate to the topic. Most of the times, especially during afternoon, students are suffering from a hot weather because our school also needs to enhance proper ventilations. Due to this problem, students can’t focus in the lesson because sometimes they feel irritated. They are not able to learn in a congested classroom. Some of the students and teachers are pushed to study in the covered court or sometimes in the stage, because of this, they cannot concentrate to the discussion because they are distracted by the students who passed by and who makes noises. And it is also the cause why students do not attend their class and just spent their time in the canteen. As we all know because of the classroom shortage, our schedule is not well fixed. Pointing on this situation is a problem we need to take action. They lose the chance of the students to study comfortably without distractions and hindrances. We may get the high quality of education if they will provide more classrooms to accommodate new students coming from other schools.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Anti War Movement Of The Vietnam War Essays - Free Essays

The Anti War Movement Of The Vietnam War Essays - Free Essays The Anti War Movement Of The Vietnam War The Anti-War Movement J,J,J,J, United States participation in the Vietnam War was a subject of much debate among the American public. While many Americans supported the United States involvement in the War, in agreement with the Government that American assistance was needed in order to stop the spread of Communism, other people felt that it was immoral for the United States to involve itself in another country's internal matters. The antiwar movement against Vietnam in the US from 1965-1971 was the most significant movement of its kind in the nation's history. Anti-war protesters were not confined to the young, radicals, intellectuals, and the disaffected. By 1968, [they] included many powerful individuals within the business and financial communities, the media, and the government itself ( McMahon 466). Also by 68, protesters numbered almost seven million, with more than half being white youths in the college. Students for a Democratic Society, (SDS), announced its opposition of the Vietnam War publicly in 1965. In a public announcement, they state their reasons for disagreement. We feel that the war is immoral at its root, that it is fought alongside a regime with no claim to represent its people, and that it is foreclosing the hope of making America a decent and truly democratic society.We are anxious to help and to change our country; we refuse to destroy someone elses country (McMahon 467). The SDS was not alone in their opposition. Civil-Rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr., declared his opposition in 1967. He stated many reasons. it became clear to me that the war was doing far more than devastating the hopes of the poor at home. It was sending their sons and brothers and their husbands to fight and dieAs I walked among the desperate, rejected and angry young men, I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problemsBut, they asked, what about VietnamTheir questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today my own government (McMahon 471). One aspect of the anti-war movement were teach-ins. Teach-ins were mass public demonstrations, usually held in the spring and fall seasons. These well-publicized rallies made the antiwar effort more respectable. The White House was plagued by two wars: the war in Vietnam and the war at home. In October 1967, protesters marched on the Pentagon. This was one of the most significant events of the antiwar movement. Although the marchers were unable to get into the Pentagon, this demonstration had a direct influence on the redirection of American policy in Vietnam. The antiwar effort crippled Johnson's presidency. In 1968 he announced that he would not be running for re-election. The antiwar movement inadvertently helped Richard Nixon win the election. Once elected, Nixon was bothered with the antiwar movement. He was convinced that it prolonged the war. He could not understand how the current generation of young people could include brave young marines, hippies and draft-card burners. In May 1970, Nixon ordered an attack on Cambodian sanctuaries to destroy communist command-and-supply buildings. He also tried to contain the protest that he knew his action would provoke. His hopes of controlling the rally failed when poorly trained National Guardsmen killed four students at Kent State University, on May 4. This made the expected protests much worse than anyone in Washington could have foreseen. The wave of demonstrations on hundreds of college campuses paralyzed America's higher-education system. The Kent State tragedy ignited a nationwide campus disaster. Between May 4 and May 8, campuses experienced an average of 100 demonstrations a day, 350 campus strikes, 536 colleges shut down, and 73 colleges reported significant violence in their protests. On that weekend, 100,000 people gathered to protest in Washington. By May 12, over 150 colleges were on strike (Internet source). The overwhelming response to the invasion of Cambodia and the Kent State crisis soon became too much for President Nixon. On December 15, Nixon announced his intention to withdraw fifty thousand troops from Vietnam in 1970 Among the most convincing theories of the movement were that it

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Elizabeth Lavenza in Frankenstein Essays

Elizabeth Lavenza in Frankenstein Essays Elizabeth Lavenza in Frankenstein Paper Elizabeth Lavenza in Frankenstein Paper In her Introduction to the 1831 edition of Frankenstein, Mary Shelly characterized her revisions as principally those of style and added that she had not introduced any new ideas and circumstances or altered the storys core and substance. After reading the original (1818) and the revised (1831) version of Frankenstein, I believe the changes that Shelly has made to the 1831 edition are far more than Just a variation in style or cosmetic. She does make a few changes to the characters profiles and their relationship in the 1831 edition. In this essay, I am going to use the most ignificant woman character in this novel, Elizabeth Lavenza, Victor Frankensteins fianc? ©e, to present my finding. In the original and the revised versions, the story begins with the letters of Captain Robert Walton to his sister and the narration of Victor Frankenstein to Walton. Victor starts with his family background and early childhood, telling Walton about his father, Alphonse, and his mother, Caroline, and how they get married. He then goes on describing how his childhood companion, Elizabeth Lavenza, entered his family. It is at this point in the narrative that the 1818 and revised versions of Frankenstein diverge. I must record an incident which took place when I was four years of age. My father had a sister, whom he tenderly loved, About the time I mentioned she died; and a few months afterwards he received a letter from her husband, acquainting him with his intention of marrying an Italian lady, and requesting my father to take charge of the infant Elizabeth, the only child of his deceased sister My father did not hesitate, and immediately went to Italy, that he might accompany the little Elizabeth to her future home From this time Elizabeth Lavenza became my playfellow, and, as we grew older, my friend. (1818 original version) In the original version, Elizabeth is Victors cousin, the daughter of Alphonses sister. When Victor is four years old, Elizabeths mother dies and she is adopted into the Frankenstein family. Caroline plays no role at all in making the decision to bring Elizabeth into Victors life. When I was about five years old my father had gone by himself to Milan, my mother, accompanied by me, visited this abode. She found a peasant and his wife, hard working, bent down by care and labour, distributing a scanty meal to five hungry babes. Among these there was one which attracted my mother far above all the rest The peasant woman, perceiving that my mother fixed eyes of wonder and admiration on this lovely girl, eagerly communicated her history the result was that Elizabeth Lavenza became the inmate of my parents housemy more than sister the beautiful and adored companion of all my occupations and my pleasures. 1831 edition) In the 1831 edition, it is Victors mother, Caroline, who finds Elizabeth and sets about Elizabeths arrival, Victors mother says, l have a pretty present for my Victor- tomorrow he shall have it. (1831 edition) Caroline decides at the moment of the doption that Elizabeth and Victor should marry someday. I think the change of Elizabeths past brings to the 1831 edition presents a better marriage equality picture between Victors father and mother. When Victors father returns from his trip to Milan, Elizabeth is playing with Victor at home. Caroline explains what has happened and her own desire to make Elizabeth a member of the family is shared by her husband. Her interest in helping the less fortunate has made her fulfilled her role as a mother of a daughter as well as a son. This change adds a view that is missing from the 1818 version in which Elizabeth comes to the Frankenstein home as the result of a decision made by two men, Victors uncle and his father. In addition, the love relationship between Victor and Elizabeth in the 1818 original version is clearly incestuous because they share the same bloodline. In the 1831 edition, Elizabeth is an adopted child that eventually receives the name of cousin. As a result, the later version has removed any suggestion of an incestuous relationship because Elizabeth is converted into an unrelated person of Victor. With the above evidence in mind, I cannot agree with Shelly that her changes in he 1831 edition are merely related to lexical concerns. However, I must say the main plot is not much of a difference between the 1818 and the 1831 editions. Be it a three volumes in the 1818 original version or a single full volume in the 1831 edition, the story is still about a crazy scientist who is fascinated with the secret of life, discovers it, and brings a hideous monster to life. While I agree that the influence of Elizabeth is an important element of the novel to notice, I dont think this character is given significant importance in a direct role and therefore, altering my experience of the novel as a whole.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal Statement Example Due to my keen interest in the world of supplies, demands, distribution, revenue, profit and customer satisfaction, the field I would like to choose for my major is economics. After sensitive calculations and critical working, I took initiative to start off with my own â€Å"mini business†. I perceived it as a business that would not only be beneficial for students but would also allow me to earn a good deal of experience in the practical world alongside the profit. By assigning target goals and dividing the entire process into the stages of ‘plan’, ‘purchase’, ‘sell’ and ‘generate revenue’, I was able to keep the business simple yet effective. The plan included listing the items that were in demand and researching the availability of whole-sale vendors who could provide the required products. These items were then sold at a reasonable profit, which was later utilized for further betterment of the business. In the ‘reve nue generation’ stage of my business venture, I calculated the amount of time, energy and fuel consumption while commuting to the wholesale market and finally completing the purchase. With this data, I calculated a reasonable profit that was to be earned from the business. ... uced a new well-equipped market within the campus, while I ended the business and decided to focus on the final months of studying for my high school. From what I have learnt through my experience, I believe that I can benefit the community in better ways by further understanding the concepts of economics, which will possibly provide a solution to the world’s derailing economies. By studying subject matters such as meeting demands and supplies, converting loss into profits, benefiting human kind and sustaining global economies, I will be able to contribute to the field of economics and the community. Prompt 2 After discussions with my father that lasted for hours, I was forced to admit the fact that my twenty years of life have not really been much of a success. Before I had joined Community College, the grades that I had obtained were not up to the mark. Due to my father’s motivation and support, I had always wanted to set an example, not only for my dad but also for m y children in future. It cannot be ignored that I had gained exceptional business experience at a very young age but I realized that despite starting off as an entrepreneur and managing it well, there were many concepts I still had to grasp. I believe that the best possible way to be introduced to these concepts would be to undertake a university major in economics. At the beginning of my high-school years, I was introduced to a poem by Robert Frost, titled â€Å"And miles to go before I sleep†. This poem inspired a great sense of motivation within me and continually makes me believe that there is always a lot more that life has to offer. Since I was determined in what I believed, I took an oath to bring about a change. As I resumed my studies in the Community College, I worked hard day and night. My

Saturday, November 2, 2019


EMPLOYEE RELATIONS REQUIRES AN INTEGRATED APPROACH FROM MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Guidelines are drawn to assist the employee understanding of the goal and objectives set by the management, more so, information is given to help the employees while taking corrective action and they are further given advise on how to go about bargaining their terms of employments, legislation and regulation. Employees relations is some times confused or used as a synonym for industrial relation since it deal with the relationship of workers and management and the conduct of workers in the in work place. To understand the employee relations, one must start by understanding the legal frame work in the work place, and then consider the social psychological influence aspect part of the employee in terms of trust, communication and commitment. In deep understanding of the employee relations, it's important to consider factors that influence the employer employee relationship Globalization is one of the factors affecting the employee relations, otherwise known as the industrial relations. Strategic management is important because changes in employee relations has resulted to increased bargaining power of the employees, flexibility in working time as well as changing job functions and this has occurred due to the increase in competition, product processes changes due to consumer awareness combined with the increasing essence in quality, productivity and skills. An integration of all these factors has had impact on the practices and policies of the management. While managing change in the firm, the employee involvement in making sure the change is effected is very important while the management has to ensure that the skills processed by the employees are compatible with those required in the market to meet the customer needs. The results of globalization are that:- Countries have become more interdependent economically than before due to the breakdown of barriers of trade hence they cannot become self reliant. Governments have been unable to control information, technology and capital flow across the boundaries. Markets are now not regulated allowing the goods, services and capital to integrate like the European Union Companies are becoming global entities which are forming the global webs due to de-nationalization of firms The firms have discovered the importance of remaining competitive in the market b y producing high quality services and goods A strategic human resource management is essential in making sure the objectives of production of high quality products, ability to counter fast to the dynamics of the market and continuous innovation are attained, and this can only be achieved through employee training, involvement and intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, this making the employee relations to be of paramount importance in management. In many firms which include the general motors, the employee relations are taken to consist of five values which have enabled the management to succeed in achieving its objectives, these are: How the works are organize Acquisition skills and development of employees Compensation and pay processes and structures Security arrangements on employment and staffing Labor management issues With the increased importance of the employee relations, the human resources is has shifted it focus to quality, innovation and reduction of the cost. The importance of human resource management (HRM) is reflected in the personnel management in the firms. Employee

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Apocalypse of 2012 - Converging Points and Perspectives Essay

Apocalypse of 2012 - Converging Points and Perspectives - Essay Example The revival of old religion along with New Age philosophy has made modern society curious about 2012 Apocalypse. New Age beliefs made modern man look back at different philosophical and spiritual beliefs that led to rediscover the Mayan Calendar. It is important to understand that ancient Mayan cultures had divine respect for the sun, moon, and stars. The main factor in the creation of the Myth is the Popul Voh, which is similar to the Bible since it also tells a story of creation by the Mayan God known as â€Å"Heart of Sky†. The story is replete between the battle of good versus evil, but the important thing is that it highly influenced the creation of the Mayan Calendar, much more- it shows the Mayan’s beliefs in â€Å"cyclical time periods as a scared entity "(Gossen. 17). It was during the Ezapa era were shamans or priests calculated 5 periods in a cycle (wherein a cycle of 25,625 years were divided into five). Each period represented 5,125 years known as five wor ld ages. By 2012, the world is nearing the fifth period that would supposedly end in a catastrophe. It would take volumes of research to understand how the Mayan calendar was formed, but it is interesting to know the reason behind this cultures obsession with numbers and mathematical accuracy – it was the basis of â€Å"legitimacy for political power† (Rice 11). ... The power of information, especially through technology is much respected nowadays; hence, the public would depend on men of science to explain the forthcoming event. This would not only make them understand, but develop a belief system based on scientific assumptions. This brings us to a more intelligent discussion regarding the 2012 Apocalypse- what men of science have to say about these things. Science has a great role in educating the general public about the issue. There are some people like Greg Braden and John Major Jenkins, who aggressively promote the fulfillment of the 2012 Apocalypse. Jenkins has been reviewing other books regarding Mayan prophecies but concludes in the end that the event coincides with the winter solstice in 2012 (alignment Another popular writer, Greg Braden, explores the power of the algorithm in exploring cycles. His earlier books like the Divine Matrix that presented controversial issues like the Michelson and Morley experiment (Braden 19) and his connection of spirituality and science made many people believe in Braden. His new book Fractal Time tries to explain the importance of patterns in people’s lives that could create a change in the society. Braden used algorithm to create a Time Code calculator that anyone can use in charting the events in one’s life. However, these are individuals trying to make sense out of what they believe in and sharing it to the public. Do scientific authorities support such? It doesn’t because science needs to be exact. What we have for now are possibilities of having sun spots. NASA provides an update of such ever since sunspots were created way back in 2006. Sunspots are planet-sized flares that can create sun storms

Monday, October 28, 2019

Education and Recess Essay Example for Free

Education and Recess Essay Since public schools have started recess it has been set in place to allow students time to express their energy, become active and socialize. Although within the past years, most schools have removed recess from their schedules. School administrators argue that recess wastes time, causes problems and is dangerous. But it is actually a good thing for students. In most schools, the average school day is about eight hours long. During the elementary school year especially, students are bursting with energy that causes their minds to wander. Recess is a great way to allow students to wind down and expel some of their pent-up energy. Also during this time it was usually the teacher who went outside with the class. So while the kids are taking a breather the teachers can too. A growing problem in America today is obesity. Many school cafeterias have switched to a healthier menu and schools have removed snack machines, in an attempt to improve students eating habits and weight. Meanwhile, the same school boards are removing recess from their schedules As a result, obesity rates have tripled in the past forty years. School administrators believe that recess is not needed because the students are required to take Physical Education. Although P.E. is physically active it does not give students many options. Students are graded on their performance and participation so P.E. is not much of a relax and recoup time. In school, it is important for students to develop necessary social skills. In class, students are unable to communicate because they are busy doing their work. Recess allows students to develop relationships, experience and deal with confrontations and learn about other people. These skills will be extremely important in almost every job. You may have noticed all of the big time business men or woman, and they got that job by being a good people person. That’s because when they were kids, recess was an every day thing. In conclusion, recess should be a thing student’s experience everyday. It should be something students think back on as adults and think of how it helped them. If schools go on with out recess for too much longer the obesity and people skills of the future could not be good. If I ever become  an important member of the school board you know what my vote for recess is going to be. What’s yours?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Fifth Element: A Critical Analysis

The Fifth Element: A Critical Analysis The Fifth Element is one of the best science fiction movies ever made. What is science fiction? Stories that often tell about science and technology of the future is considered a trademark of science fiction. Science fiction films are also known to include a human element and are often set in the future, in space, on a different world, or in a different universe or dimension altogether. They often will depict dangerous or sinister natures of knowledge and vital issues about the nature of mankind and our place in the whole scheme of things. Science fiction displays the possibility to destroy mankind with Armageddon-like events through technology as well. In the film, The Fifth Element, the Earth is threatened by an evil force every 5000 years. An alien race, the Mondoshawan, have created a weapon to defeat the evil force and safeguard it on Earth in Egypt. The Mondoshawan look like gigantic upright beetles with metal skin and tiny heads. The weapon is four sacred stones representing the elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind with a fifth element that is used in combination with the stones. With the imminent arrival of World War I in 1914, they no longer feel the weapon is safe on Earth and come to take it away, promising to return when the evil force comes back during the course of the 5000-year cycle. In the year 2259, as the Mondoshawan are returning to bring the weapon back to Earth, their ship is shot down on the orders of an agent of the evil force, Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg. The Mondoshawan never fully trusted the human race and it was determined that the sacred stones were never on that ship, as it was a decoy. The Earths military was able to gather some cells from the wreckage of the ship, and by using the genetic makeup of those cells, reconstructed a life form. The life form, which is in the shape of a young female human, is the fifth element. Her name is Leeloo. She becomes frightened and escapes from the reconstruction chamber. She runs into Korben Dallas, a recently retired Commander of Earths military, and currently a New York City cab driver. Leeloos undertaking was to find the priest, Vito Cornelius, as he knows of the ancient ritual to set off the weapon against the evil force. President Lister was given this information regarding Cornelius earlier. President Lister recruits Dallas to go and retrieve the sacred stones from the Diva PlavaLaguna who is on another planet. Leeloo and Cornelius have their own plans. Dallas, Leeloo, and Cornelius travel to the other planet. Dallas retrieves the stones with the help of DJ Ruby Rhod. With help of Cornelius and Leeloo, the four of them beat Zorg at his own game for control of the sacred stones. They flee back to Egypt and with only minutes to spare, Korben tells Leeloo what she needs to hear and the love she feels enables her to destroy the evil force from annihilating Earth. The plot may be a standard one; good versus evil with a love story intertwined, but it is a good solid one. The film is based on a story by Luc Besson and he wrote it when he was sixteen years old. Roger Ebert agrees that the plot does sound like something conjured up by a teenager but still remains positive. In his review in the Chicago Sun-Times, he states, The Star Wars movies look deep, even philosophical, in comparison, but never mind: We are watching The Fifth Element not to think, but to be delighted (Ebert). This movie is exciting and catches your attention very quickly. The introduction of characters goes seamlessly from one to another. It does, however, have many stereotypes of what one might expect from a science fiction film. Mick LaSalle said in his review of the film in the San Francisco Chronicle, Its an amalgam of every science fiction clichà © about flying cars, evil forces and benevolent outer-space creatures most of them dusted off and made new (LaSalle). Many science fiction films show things in them that may be unbelievable. The beauty is that these things could happen. Flying cars? Sure, that might be possible some day. Aliens coming to destroy the planet? It could happen. The Fifth Element has all of these things. This movie creates a sense of wonder in the viewer. Not only is the viewer wondering what is going to happen next, like any other enjoyable film, the viewer will be anticipating what outrageous thing they are going to show you. In this world, you do believe it and it is true to the life portrayed in the film. This film is well told and the viewers will find themselves rooting for Leeloo, the fifth element. This is high-voltage excitement in a pop culture world. Its big on commercialism and there is a lot of product placement. The film is a bit predictable, by the end, evil is destroyed and the boy gets the girl. But the viewer will have a good journey to the end. The characters themselves are phenomenal. Bruce Willis plays Korben Dallas, the recently retired war hero who now drives a cab in New York City. Korben just cannot get a break. After being plagued with nightmares, he gets mugged on his way to work. He gets into an accident, where the viewer is first introduced to the beautiful Leeloo. Hes involved in a high-speed police chase and after returning home, he is notified that he has been fired. The military comes back into his life to send him on a dangerous mission. He travels with Leeloo to retrieve the sacred stones and must fight the ugly, killer-for-hire Mangalores. He must constantly put up with Ruby Rhod, an annoying DJ. After getting the stones and saving Leeloo from certain death, he must race against the evil force to set up the ancient weapon. In the end, he helps to save Earth and also gets the girl but his trials seem long and by the end, you are cheering that finally, something has gone his way. Leeloo is played by actress Milla Jovovich. Her role in all of this is that she is the fifth element. She tells Korben on their way to meet the Diva to get the sacred stones, Me fifth element supreme being. Me protect you (The Fifth Element). She has regenerated from cells alone to a perfect modelesque being that has flaming red hair with blonde roots. She learns the history of humans from a computer to bring her up to speed on Earths history. She can fight with the best of them, kicking the kung-fu out of some Mangalores. By the time they recover the stones and have made their way to Egypt to set the weapon in place, Leeloo is exhausted and is disillusioned as to why she must help the humans as she has seen the destruction they have done in history. She whimpers of not knowing love and does not realise that Korben has fallen in love with her. Korben must tell her how he really feels and kisses her with passion and she feels the love from him. She is able to make the ancient weapon work and defeats the evil force trying to demolish Earth by blasting it with white light derived from all that is pure and good. Priest Vito Cornelius, played by Ian Holm, is Leeloos contact on Earth. Cornelius takes this role very seriously. When Korben wins two tickets to Fhloston Paradise, his cover to retrieve the sacred stones from the Diva, Cornelius knocks Korben unconscious to steal the tickets for Leeloo and himself to go. When Korben shows up at the airport in time to make the flight, Cornelius stows aboard the plane in a maintenance compartment in order to reach Fhloston. He is a supporting character in this film but really is necessary for the story as he holds a plethora of knowledge that has been passed down to him from the last 5000 years. Under Korbens cover of winning the radio contest, he is bombarded by DJ Ruby Rhod, played fabulously by Chris Tucker. Ruby is simply a combination of Dennis Rodman and Pee-wee Herman, on crack. He speaks in a falsetto voice and gets irritated with Korben because his responses on air are not super green, his favourite catch phrase. Dressed flamboyantly in a leopard print body suit, he is all about using his popularity to his advantage with the ladies. He ends up with Korben in battle with the Mangalores and screams like a little girl every chance he gets. He also flies with Korben, Leeloo, and Cornelius to set up the weapon in the temple. Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg is the bad guy in all of this. Played by Gary Oldman, Zorg is an egotistical munitions dealer who is also the agent of the evil force that threatens Earth. He is relentless in pursuing the sacred stones, hiring the Mangalores to shoot down the Mandoshawan ship before it ever reaches Earth. He bullies Cornelius to try to give him the location of the stones. He puts a bomb on the pleasure cruiser to Fhloston Paradise which eventually kills him in the quest for the sacred stones. The makeup effects were not extraordinary by any measure but the visual effects in The Fifth Element are absolutely breath-taking. In the 23rd century, New York City is crammed full of people and the buildings seemingly shoot up from out of nowhere for miles. But the place they originate from is the garbage. As the author of The Fifth Element, Terry Bisson states, The deepening haze and smog that clung to the ground level of the city mercifully obscured the generations of litter and debris the urban midden that covered the streets to a depth of between twenty and forty feet (Bisson 78). The depth of the garbage problem is shown quite well. During the police chase scene, Korben and Leeloo hide the taxicab in the garbage down by the street level. Theres even a sign from an old company called IBM. In the airport scene, there is garbage piling up against all the walls due to a sanitation strike. It is heaped so high that it covers exits as a Mangalore jumped into a pile and escaped from police. The visual effects are model based as well as computer generated. The flying traffic depicted in this film is amazingly meticulous in detail. The cars are rounder at the edges and somewhat flatter than the cars of today. In the police chase scene, the details of flying the can in between cars, avoiding traffic jams, and even escaping through a train tunnel are wonderfully done. According to, the films most celebrated sequence was, the cab chase with flying cars ( Everything is brightly coloured and moves fast so the viewers attention is caught and remains focused on where the film is going. The costumes for most of the characters are all a little strange and what the film would portray as futuristic. Korben wears normal looking pants but his shirt is fluorescent orange with cut out strips in the back. Leeloos first outfit after regeneration is nothing more than strategically placed white surgical tape. Her second outfit of the film consists of gold pants and a white half-shirt which would look tame enough with the exception of the orange thong suspenders. DJ Ruby Rhods costumes are by far the best. He is originally dressed in a leopard print bodysuit with a huge flared collar with pointy brown boots. His microphone is covered in the same leopard material, the end lights up red when someone speaks into it, and it is about three feet long. His hair is a short blond afro with a cylinder of blond hair sticking out of his forehead. His second outfit is again a body suit; however, this time is completely black and wrapped around the flared collar is a wreath of red roses. The pants are flared out into bellbottoms and completely with black boots. The microphone is the same length but covered in black fabric with a silver tip. His hair is black this time and wrapped up in several little buns all over his head. Jean-Paul Gaultier was the costume designer and he was nominated for a Saturn award in 1998 in the category of Best Costumes (Internet Movie Database). This is absolutely one of the best science fiction movies ever made. The Fifth Element was nominated for an Oscar award in 1998 for Best Effects and Sound Effects Editing and also won a BAFTA award in the category of Best Special Effects (Internet Movie Database). It is a fantastic tale of good versus evil in the far away future. The viewer will enjoy the fabulous special effects and colourful characters as they root on the good guys in the destruction of evil.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Charles Dickens Hard Times and David Lodges Nice Work Essay -- Lodge

Charles Dickens' Hard Times and David Lodge's Nice Work ----â€Å"Fact, fact, fact, everywhere in the material aspect of the town; fact, fact, fact everywhere in the immaterial.† – Charles Dickens In the early 1851, London staged the Great Exhibition to show the world, the achievements and inventions of the Industrial Revolution. Many people believed that this showed how much better, safer and healthier Britain was than its neighbours in Europe. People living in mansions amid lawns and fountains, with horse drawn carriages certainly felt that life couldn’t be better. However behind the publicity and the royal occasions there was another England, not so glorious. Benjamin Disraeli wrote that Britain was really â€Å"two nations†, Dickens wanted to show his readers what was behind the glittering faà §ade of Victorian industry. He wanted to show his readers the factual monotony behind the sulky blotch towns of industrial Britain. As the essay title suggests, both Lodge and Dickens have portrayed their format of an industrial landscape. Both authors’ coddle in a crestfallen environment of the industrial world: one at the height of a revolution, the other at the height of a decline. Dickens is keen to depict his Victorian contemporary world of Coketown in an essentially satirical context. It is emblemed with certain thematic issues including religion, the nature of employment and education, which follow course throughout the book. This surreal caricature of the Victorian landscape contrasts with Lodge’s realistically styled piece. Lodge’s passage, which holds a fictional veil over the names of â€Å"Rummidge and the Dark Country†, is clearly intended to represent Birmingham and the Black Country. In Hard Times it ca... ...o hold no target. In his account he mainly adopts an educational style prose to mirror the thoughts of his subject Vic Wilcox whilst also using a slightly more creative passage towards the end of the description to reveal political opinion and sentiment. Overall it is credible to say that the sources examined are quite detached in similarity. This maybe due to the large disparity of time between time periods. In view of success I think though Lodge’s modern style of writing should be recognized as playing games with the reader, I judge that the tone is overtly mundane and dreary. It is impossible to give a comprehensive argument on Lodge’s point of view due to his modern isolated style from the writing. Dickens is appealingly aggressive, motivating and quite favourably figurative. He leaves his readers without a shadow of a doubt of whom he is attacking. Charles Dickens' Hard Times and David Lodge's Nice Work Essay -- Lodge Charles Dickens' Hard Times and David Lodge's Nice Work ----â€Å"Fact, fact, fact, everywhere in the material aspect of the town; fact, fact, fact everywhere in the immaterial.† – Charles Dickens In the early 1851, London staged the Great Exhibition to show the world, the achievements and inventions of the Industrial Revolution. Many people believed that this showed how much better, safer and healthier Britain was than its neighbours in Europe. People living in mansions amid lawns and fountains, with horse drawn carriages certainly felt that life couldn’t be better. However behind the publicity and the royal occasions there was another England, not so glorious. Benjamin Disraeli wrote that Britain was really â€Å"two nations†, Dickens wanted to show his readers what was behind the glittering faà §ade of Victorian industry. He wanted to show his readers the factual monotony behind the sulky blotch towns of industrial Britain. As the essay title suggests, both Lodge and Dickens have portrayed their format of an industrial landscape. Both authors’ coddle in a crestfallen environment of the industrial world: one at the height of a revolution, the other at the height of a decline. Dickens is keen to depict his Victorian contemporary world of Coketown in an essentially satirical context. It is emblemed with certain thematic issues including religion, the nature of employment and education, which follow course throughout the book. This surreal caricature of the Victorian landscape contrasts with Lodge’s realistically styled piece. Lodge’s passage, which holds a fictional veil over the names of â€Å"Rummidge and the Dark Country†, is clearly intended to represent Birmingham and the Black Country. In Hard Times it ca... ...o hold no target. In his account he mainly adopts an educational style prose to mirror the thoughts of his subject Vic Wilcox whilst also using a slightly more creative passage towards the end of the description to reveal political opinion and sentiment. Overall it is credible to say that the sources examined are quite detached in similarity. This maybe due to the large disparity of time between time periods. In view of success I think though Lodge’s modern style of writing should be recognized as playing games with the reader, I judge that the tone is overtly mundane and dreary. It is impossible to give a comprehensive argument on Lodge’s point of view due to his modern isolated style from the writing. Dickens is appealingly aggressive, motivating and quite favourably figurative. He leaves his readers without a shadow of a doubt of whom he is attacking.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Elizabeth Bishop’s poem “The Fish” Essay

* The Theme of ‘True’ Beauty or ‘Inner’ Beauty: Neither her battered boat nor the â€Å"venerable† old fish is beautiful in conventional terms. Their beauty lies in having survived, & when the speaker realizes this, â€Å"victory filled up / the little rented boat† & she understands that â€Å"everything / was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow!† That is when she lets the fish return to his home in the water. The fish helps Bishop to notice true beauty: â€Å"The fish is only ugly or grotesque to the untrained or unempathic eye† (McCabe). The notion causes her to see other objects around her differently. Everything is a rainbow when she looks around. This feeling allows her to release the fish. The release, significant in its own sense, acknowledges Bishop’s respect for the fish. The poet, struck by the otherworldly beauty w/ which ordinary objects sometimes appear, as if cast in a color not their own, releases her concentrated gaze, & gives up both the poem & the fish. The composite image of the fish’s essential beauty–his being alive–is developed further in the description of the 5 fishhooks that the captive, living fish carries in his lip. * The Theme of Respect & Admiration: The admiration for the fish is ironic since he was detested when 1st caught. The relationship tween the fish & Bishop becomes even closer when she notices his lip. These broken fishing lines are the turning point tween her & the fish. Now, Bishop considers the catch an accomplishment. She sees evidence that 5 others have tried unsuccessfully to bring in this fish. The fish evolves into a majestic character She is able to use the description of the fish’s lip to evoke the idea of respect. The fish’s â€Å"beard† personifies him, characterizing him as intelligent. She values the fish because she realizes he has eluded other anglers. The ultimate respect is expressed w/ the fish’s release. Bishop knows the fish â€Å"†¦can’t be kept, but must be let go† (McCabe). Bishop recognizes that she will be able to hold the moment closer as a memory than by keeping the fish as a trophy. The real theme of Bishop’s poem is that of humanitarianism & respect for a fish’s lifelong  will to survive.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Properly Research an Essay on Medical Assistant

How to Properly Research an Essay on Medical Assistant This is the last part of the guide and by now you’re on your way to writing a research essay on the profession of medical assistance. The first guide in the series was titled 19 facts on the profession of a medical assistant for a research essay, which we’re sure you found very interesting, and the second part of our guide 20 topics on the profession of a medical assistant for a research essay had a wide range of topics to choose from including a sample essay at the end. The final guide discusses how to go about doing your research while writing an essay on the profession of medical assistance. Understand What You’re Going to Write About This goes both ways: either a topic is chosen for you or you’re picking one for yourself. Either way, if the language in the topic doesn’t reflect the topic itself, then your essay loses out on a great deal of quality. Start Mind Mapping Once you’re clear about the topic in question then you’ll have to do mind-mapping on all the relevant keywords. In the event that you know nothing, simply begin with the name of the topic. Then start your research on the internet with the mind map you developed and look for evidences for your research and arguments.< Decide on Arguments and Sources Once the research is over you’re now in the driver’s seat and it’s time to build your arguments with credible sources. Check out journal databases and books in libraries since you need to quote academic sources in your essay. If you like something, highlight it or take notes. Begin Writing Once you’re done with the upper items start with the essay writing. The essay should have a thesis which comprises all your arguments. The entire essay will reflect these few lines. The first paragraph will have this statement along with what’s going to be presented in the following paragraphs. If you’re capable of summarizing all the arguments in one paragraph, then go right ahead, otherwise the thesis and an introduction to the next paragraph will do. Structure Your Paragraphs Then comes a string of paragraphs that will have evidence of your arguments. Dedicate each paragraph to each one of your arguments and provide relevant evidences as well as proof so that your readers are convinced. It’s not easy to bring something entirely new to the table and we recommend that you establish enough evidence so that the reader starts doubting popular or widely accepted beliefs. If you’re able to achieve that, your essay will be a success. The last paragraph will conclude it all. You need to tell the reader once again what your thesis was, what your arguments were, the evidences used to back up claims, and finally, what you’ve learned and would like to further research upon in the future. That’s about it. We wish you the best of luck nailing that essay.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The 4 Functions of Management

The 4 Functions of Management Free Online Research Papers The position that managers provide in planning, organizing, leading and controlling is an essential responsibility in any business. A manager must organize these functions in order to reach company goals and maintain a competitive advantage. Putting these plans into action requires forming groups as underlings must be directed to complete the plan, and the plans development must be directed by control. In order for these practices to succeed in an operational manner, an understanding must be reached concerning the basics in which these practices are in relationship to the business structure. (Bateman, Snell, 2007). The Four Management Functions: Planning Planning is the first tool of the four functions in the management process. The difference between a successful and unsuccessful manager lies within the planning procedure. Planning is the logical thinking through goals and making the decision as to what needs to be accomplished in order to reach the organizations’ objectives. Managers use this process to plan for the future, like a blueprint to foresee problems, decide on the actions to evade difficult issues and to beat the competition. (Bateman, Snell, 2007). Planning is the first step in management and is essential as it facilitates control, valuable in decision making and in the avoidance of business ruin. Wyeth has a global vision to lead the way to better health. Employees at Wyeth are committed to excellence and through Wyeth’ s clearly written Mission and Vision Statement, Wyeth must live by its values which clarify the company’s objectives and goals. Quality in the results that are achieved and how the results are reached doing what is right, respect for others, value those that lead and take pride in all they do, and the value of teamwork to reach common goals. The continuous use of a plan is imperative as Wyeth has divisions throughout the world. Planning allows Wyeth to be at the top of the pharmaceutical industry and a healthcare leader. Organizing In order to reach the objective outlined in the planning process, structuring the work of the organization is a vital concern. Organization is a matter of appointing individuals to assignments or responsibilities that blend together to develop one purpose, to accomplish the goals. These goals will be reached in accordance with the company’s values and procedures. A manager must know their subordinates and what they are capable of in order to organize the most valuable resources a company has, its employees. (Bateman, Snell, 2007). This is achieved through management staffing the work division, setting up the training for the employees, acquiring resources, and organizing the work group into a productive team. The manager must then go over the plans with the team, break the assignments into units that one person can complete, link related jobs together in an understandable well-organized style and appoint the jobs to individuals. (Allen, G., 1998). Organization is strong at Wyeth with the ability to be flexible, except change and search for new products, Wyeth’ s leadership provides needed direction for staff to achieve personal success that leads to organizational success. Managers at Wyeth are responsible for keeping communication lines open between departments to eliminate any issues from forming. Wyeth would not be a healthcare leader if there was little or no organization. Leading Organizational success is determined by the quality of leadership that is exhibited. A leader can be a manager, but a manager is not necessarily a leader, says Gemmy Allen (1998). Leadership is the power of persuasion of one person over others to inspire actions towards achieving the goals of the company. Those in the leadership role must be able to influence/motivate workers to an elevated goal and direct themselves to the duties or responsibilities assigned during the planning process. (Allen, G., 1998). Leadership involves the interpersonal characteristic of a managers position that includes communication and close contact with team members. (Bateman, Snell, 2007). Managers at Wyeth are there to motivate workers to fulfill the goals of the company and out-perform their competitors. They as leaders have day to day contact with workers using open communication and are able to give direction individually as well as within teams, departments and divisions. Management is there to inspire subordinates to ‘step up to the plate’ and find innovative means to solve department problems. Authorizing staff to have the capability to deal with situations is a significant part of leading. (Allen, G., 1998). Controlling The process that guarantees plans are being implemented properly is the controlling process. Gemmy Allen stated that ‘Controlling is the final link in the functional chain of management activities and brings the functions of management cycle full circle.’ This allows for the performance standard within the group to be set and communicated. Control allows for ease of delegating tasks to team members and as managers may be held accountable for the performance of subordinates, they may be wise to extend timely feedback of employee accomplishments. (Allen, G., 1998). Department meetings are daily at Wyeth. Meetings are used to review the daily schedule, prevent problems and to ascertain when problems do exist in order to address and solve those that occur as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Control is the process through which standards for performance of people and processes are set, communicated, and applied. (Allen, G., 1998). Controls are placed on Wyeth employees by requiring the completion of daily responsibilities and adherence to Wyeth’s SOP’s and guidelines, by possibly taking disciplinary action when necessary. Managers and supervisors are given work performance evaluations that are a form of control as it connects performance assessments to rewards and corrective actions. Evaluating employees is a continual process that takes place regularly within the company. (Allen, G., 1998). Importance of Management Planning The four functions of management planning, organizing, leading and controlling, assume a great worth in the success of any business every day. (Bateman, Snell, 2007). In all organizations, each employee’s individual contribution to the success of the company is of enormous importance as the company’s goals would not be met and success would not be reached. Even with room for improvement, Wyeth has the appropriate functions of management in position to be a long-term success. References 4 Functions of Management Bateman, T. S. Snell, S. (2007). Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World (7th ed., pp. 16 -18). McGraw Hill. Bateman, T.S. Snell, S. (2004). Management: The New Competitive Landscape, (6th ed., pp.13). McGraw – Hill Allen, G. (1998). In Supervision. Retrieved May 27, 2007, from Research Papers on The 4 Functions of ManagementThe Project Managment Office SystemMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfOpen Architechture a white paperLifes What IfsRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanResearch Process Part OneTwilight of the UAWPETSTEL analysis of India